viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Book: Free Choose

Free to choose by Milton and Rose Friedman is a current book that anybody that is thinking about voting in the next election in November (Rommney-Obama) should read! It is as Professor Cole (in the picture below) said a book written by an extraordinary academic economist to all non economist.

In the picture below the reading group where we discussed the book. At Universidad Francisco Marroquin.

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

Box Full of Shoes

Six pairs of high heels in a box. That is what Nicole took to school today to share with her friends.

These fabulous cupcakes were delicately made by my 12 year old daughter for a farewell party of a friend.

Love them!

The recipe came from the book  Cupcakes, Cookies & Pie, Oh, My!

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012

Never miss the opportunity to dress up your feet!

This are my latest "shoes". I am in a 30 day do or die swimming program and was pushed into buying these fins! Wow they make a whole world of a difference again never underestate the power of the right pair of shoes!
I used them today for the first time at 6am in the morning. The girls (10 and 12) came along also for the first time. We swam, got ready at the club and then took them to school. They loved it. Tomorrow we will go again and will also pack breakfast. I promised them if they stick with it they will also get "pataletas".

lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

Book "Terrorizing Women"

I was given this book as a gift last Saturday by one of the contributors of this ever shocking and eye opening compilation of articles and testimonies of key women rights defendors in Latin America. The prologue is by Marcela Large who I have the honor to call my professor.

Receiving a book as a gift is always special but this was very significant since it is coming from Hilda Morales Trujillo, incoming adjoined ombudswoman of Guatemala.

We have recently met. I am also working for tha comission and on a meeting we had Saturday she came with the book. Wow I felt noticed, valued in a my sensitivity for the topic and in my intellect for her to trust I was going to read it. Thank you Hilda!

So far I have read Hilda Morales' contribution to the book. Here are some extracts of my choice:

"these instruments and mechanisms define the phenomenon as gender violence... This definition recognizes that gender is a social construction used to differentiate the roles socially assigned to men and women that translate into discrimination, oppression, subordination, and the exclusion of people of the femenine gender" page 129

"It is understood, as international and regional instruments regarding violence against women affirm, that causes of such violence lie in the historically unequal relations of power between men and women" page 130

"... Act of feminicide, which for her (marcela lagarde) means a repeated violation of human rights that culminates in assassination and constitutes genocide against women that is characterized most of all by impunity" page 131

(in Guatemala) "on the other hand, the state, through its inability to fullfill its duties contributes to impunity, silence and social indifference" page 131 "The argument has been made that the violent deaths of these women correspond to the more generalized violence that exists in Guatemala, but this does not address the special characteristics of these killings" page 132

 "The cost of femicides are reflected in the suffering and the emotional inestability lived by the daughters, sons, fathers, and other family members of women, together with the re-victimization these family members face when they approach the justice system and confront its negligence, indifference, and irresponsability" page 134

domingo, 22 de julio de 2012


I was walking out from Madagascar and a big sale sign called my attention on a store I have walked by 100 times but never entered. Guess what? Shoes on sale!! I bought a pair of shoes and a pair of boots and spent only $30.00!!! I will post pictures domani.

viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

High heel school shoes

When I saw this shoes it took me back to my schooldays, but since I am always studying any way the suit me fine!

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

Beautiful pocket size book, one of those to have on a coffee table with the add on that people can actually read a complete story while you go to the kitchen to refill the bowl of peanuts. Below the cover of the  wonderful collection of short stories in his book "Ultimas Palabras"  by José Barnoya García.

Page 92: The Irony

You can be proud, the inform revealed it is man, he has a cromosome X and a cromosome Y . Thirty three years later he was buried as XX.

Dr. Barnoya was born in Guatemala city, January 23rd 1931. Medical Doctor from the University of San Carlos and postgraduate studies in Boston and New York in Urology. He performed the first kidney transplant in Guatemala.

He is know for being one of the main promoter of the "Huelga de Dolores" a parody put together by University students of San Carlos de Guatemala that comes out as a parade on the last friday of lent.

He is an absolutely charming man involved fully in life! We met him and took this picture at Sophos when he was presenting his book. It also so happens that my daughter Megan goes to school with one of his grandsons!