miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012

Never miss the opportunity to dress up your feet!

This are my latest "shoes". I am in a 30 day do or die swimming program and was pushed into buying these fins! Wow they make a whole world of a difference again never underestate the power of the right pair of shoes!
I used them today for the first time at 6am in the morning. The girls (10 and 12) came along also for the first time. We swam, got ready at the club and then took them to school. They loved it. Tomorrow we will go again and will also pack breakfast. I promised them if they stick with it they will also get "pataletas".

1 comentario:

  1. What an amazing color, just so pretty! Looks immensely stylish and elegant. Very beautiful...I like your shoes very much.

    Online Footwear Store
